Guest Post by Alyce Matthews BS, Dietetic Intern New Mexico State University
Taking Advice with a Grain of Salt
Everyone has advice about your pregnancy, but how can you discern between fact and myth? There really isn’t an easy answer but stressing over every little detail isn’t good for you or your baby. Sometimes the best advice, “is not to read so much advice” says Courtney, RD from SavorLifeNutrition, “I tried to everything “right “ and in the grand scheme of things, micromanaging everything to have the healthiest baby possible is not necessarily what’s best for your sanity.”
New to #pregnancy ? Need some #resources ? Check out this collaboration of #pregnancy tips from registered #dietitian nutritionists. Share on XLindsey, RD, a former WIC dietitian and certified lactation consultant agrees. She attempted to use the advice that she had been counseling clients with until it became personal.
“For the first half of my pregnancy, I was so nauseated and had so many food aversions and no appetite that an average daily goal was making my way through a plain bagel with cream cheese by 5pm. I knew all the tricks in the book for combating this [nausea], heck, I still counseled many clients on it daily. But much of the advice didn’t work for me personally, and I just had to do my best. … there were some days that a can of Coke actually sounded good, and I drank it over the ever-popular LaCroix because it meant I’d get some energy/calories in my day. I celebrated the great days when I wanted to eat chicken and oatmeal and drink green smoothies, and I pushed through the days that I didn’t and just did my best.” – Nutrition to Fit, Lindsey, RD
Ultimately, it’s your body and your baby. Take all the unsolicited advice with a grain of salt and talk to your doctor or dietitian if you have questions or concerns.
Advice about your Body
Stay positive. Your body is going to go through changes, some that are expected and others that may be completely unexpected like varicose veins, says Jennifer RD. Some people don’t gain enough weight and others may put on a little too much. Read a post on how to curb your weight gain here.
Either way it’s best to stay mindful and listen to your body. Read the Joys of Pregnancy at the Fruitful Dietitian for Stacy RD’s thoughts on accepting your changing body. Then head over to Abbey, RD and learn about her personal pregnancy lessons and thoughts about her changing body at Abbey’s Kitchen. Crystal, RD Nutrition would like to tell you her story as well and talk about how to Trust Your Body. Your weight during pregnancy shouldn’t define you, but it is still important to stay active even if it is something simple like walking the dog says Angelica, RD.
Vitamins and Real Food Advice
During pregnancy your body is working hard to create a new life. This takes preparation! Something that almost everyone agrees on is that moms-to-be should be taking prenatal vitamins. But do you really need a prenatal vitamin? Maybe…maybe not! Eat Right Mama’s 5 Reasons You Might Really Need a Prenatal tells you all about it and then hop on over to Shopping for Your Prenatal to find out how to choose the best prenatal for you. Learn more about prenatals on Stacey Mattinson, RD’s blog post Everything You Need to Know About Prenatals.
Speaking of good nutrition, don’t forget about the real food. Registered Dietitian and Certified Lactation Counselor at Mama and Sweet Pea Nutrition has a blog with recommendations for her favorite pregnancy superfoods like Spinach, Eggs and Salmon.
Yes, I did mention Salmon—are you nervous about eating fish while pregnant? You can learn more on the blog post, Should You Eat Fish While Pregnant? Then check out some Healthy Seafood recipes you will love! Finally, sometimes the struggles change depending on how far along you are in your pregnancy, Kacie, RD has you covered. Find some advice for your first, second, or third trimester at Mama Knows Nutrition.
I want to make one more special mention for the Nurtured Mama Podcast. She discusses so many amazing topics including Diet Culture, Weight Gain and the Conversation You Aren’t Having with Your OB.
Thank you to all the amazing Registered Dietitians that contributed to this blog! We hope to help mamas feel a little less stressed, more informed, and excited about their pregnancy. ❤
Still looking for more?
Are You Getting Enough Calcium While Pregnant?
Should You Drink Coffee When You’re Pregnant?
Pregnant? What If You’re Not Gaining Enough?
Joy Butler says
Hi Alyce, thanks for sharing this very useful information. I thought there is no need to have a counseling when it comes to diet. My daughter needs to read this article since she is in the 5th month of her pregnancy. Cheers, and keep on going!
Bridget says
Hi Joy, Thanks for your comment. I agree that most if not all pregnant women can benefit from counseling from a dietitian. It never hurts to get more eating ideas or to tweek the diet to manage weight gain or GI side effects from pregnancy! I’ll pass on your comment to my intern Alyce!
Crystal Karges says
Thank you so much for including me in this post – such a helpful resource! 🙂
Bridget says
You’re welcome–thanks for contributing!!
bhavna says
I’m a first time mum and right from pregnancy I have looked forward to the weekly progress of my baby who’s almost one small peanut now …the website I keep visiting all day every day.