Have you noticed it’s really hard to eat healthy when traveling? Does your wallet or stomach hurt after having to resort to an airport snack? Well, with the tips below this won’t be a problem anymore! Here are some healthy snacks to have while traveling!
But first…
Why take your own snacks when traveling:
- for convenience
- to stick to your nutrition goals
- to save money (have you SEEN airport prices?!)
- to have something on hand in case of a cancelled flight or an unexpected long layover.
Additionally, since we are off our regular routines when traveling, we get dehydrated and don’t eat enough fiber. By taking our own healthy snacks that contain fruits and vegetables, we are able to avoid both these problems. Fruits and vegetables help hydrate because they are 90-95% water and they contain adequate amounts of fiber to reduce constipation. By taking our own snacks, we are also able to feel full for longer. A balanced snack that has a good source of protein and unrefined carbs helps keep our stomachs satisfied for longer.
Now that we know the why…
#Traveling isn't what it used to be…especially with #food prices at the airport! Check out our tips for #HealthySnacks for When You’re #Traveling. #healthytravel Share on XWhat healthy snacks are good choices for traveling when lugging bags around, going through TSA, and also maybe dealing with a fussy toddler?
Take them with you next time you go to the airport – and pssst they’re all TSA-friendly!
Starting off with whole foods, here are 5 healthy snacks you can have in your carry-on bag:
- Apples: Unlike a banana that can easily ripen in your bag and then get mushed, an apple is much more portable. It’s easy to carry apples in our bags without worrying about a mess. Just rinse right before eating and voilà! A hydrating and yummy snack to eat on the way to find the gate or while waiting to board.
- Vegetables: Many people may not think about vegetables as a go-to snack, but they should! Vegetables that have a firm texture allows them to be portable and clean to have in a bag. Good examples are:
- bell peppers (Mini bell peppers are a great option. A regular cut up bell pepper also works. Just make sure to take out the seeds for either option beforehand)
- mini carrots
- mini cucumbers (no need to worry about cutting them up beforehand, just grab and go!)
- celery
- Cheese: It could just be me, but I love warm cheese! Going to the airport is just the right amount of time to warm it up (you may say gross… I say street-smart). This snack option may be a little messier since the fat from the cheese can get on your fingers, but because of that same fat content, this comes as a more filling snack. It’s also one that pairs well with the fruit or vegetable you take! Two ways to carry cheese in your bag can be by:
- taking a Ziplock filled with pre-sliced or cubed cheese
- having string cheese or Babybel cheese
Here’s an Airport Snack Idea!
Cut a bell pepper in half, then add ham and cheese on the inside. You just made a bell pepper sandwich!
- Unpeeled hard-boiled eggs: A good source of protein and minerals in a quick healthy snack! Keep them unpeeled because peeled hard boiled eggs have an unpleasant odor when stored. Unpeeled eggs also remain intact in our bags- less risk of a mess! While waiting during layovers, peeling an egg is a nice side quest to get some steps in as well. Find the nearest trash can for the scraps of shell and then rinse off the egg in the nearest water fountain to get those steps in!
- Nuts: Whether it’s only almonds or an assortment of mixed nuts, this is a mighty snack to have as it’s a source of healthy fats and protein. It’s a way to have something more filling to eat without carrying much.
Important Note: Perishable foods such as cheese and eggs should not be kept at room temperature for more than 2 hours. If you take some on your trip, you should consume it before to avoid upsetting your stomach. It’s also helpful to have a napkin with you to clean off your fingers after munching on your cheese!
“To Go” Healthy Packaged Snacks
It’s always good to have whole foods to eat, but that’s not always a possibility – especially in the rush of getting to the airport on time. Sometimes we need grab and go options. Get these minimally processed snacks for your trip!
- Peanut butter: Here’s something to pair with another snack such as an apple or a celery stick. It’s also something that won’t spoil and can go through TSA if it’s 100ml (3.4 oz) or less. Some peanut butter products are already packaged in that amount such as these “To Go” cups or there are even options that aren’t liquid such as these Peanut Butter Bites.
- Jerky: This is a nonperishable and simple snack option. If you’re plant-based, you still have options. Jerky is now available in many flavors! Before your flight, choose from original beef base or a vegetarian one like mushroom or even pineapple!
- Protein bars: Like jerky, protein bars are easy to grab and store for your journey. Their protein content is meant to keep us full for longer until we can have our healthy meals after the flight! Look for bars with minimal whole food ingredients and at least 3 grams of fiber like Kind Bars, RXBARS, Kashi, Made Good (allergen-free), Lara Bars and Zing Bars.
And after the airport, here are thirteen tips to help you stay healthy during your trip!
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