I love Christmas Carols. It seems like everywhere you go, there’s a Christmas jingle playing. Last night I was at a holiday party and we had a fun sing-along where each couple had to sing one verse from the Twelve Days of Christmas. I like to sing, but in no stretch of the imagination am I a GREAT singer. Nonetheless, the song gave us plenty to chuckle at and get into the holiday spirit.
So I figure, why not turn the 12 Days of Christmas into a series of blog posts for advice on how to have a healthier holiday? So I gathered some of my posts, along with great articles from my dietitian friends, to get you through the holidays healthy and happy! But best of all, all these tips provide ideas in every area of healthy living–from eating, to fitness to having more satisfying family time. Enjoy!
Celebrate the Twelve Days of Christmas with These Healthy Living Ideas!
This is the FIRST day in the Twelve Days of Christmas Holiday Living Series.
On the first day of Christmas, EatRightMama gave to me Holiday Activities To Do Without a Screen (from Jessi RD).
It seems like family time now revolves around a screen of some sort. You’ve probably seen and experienced it. The family sits down for a meal or at an event. When there’s a lull in activity, suddenly everyone finds something more fascinating to look at on their phone. There are lots of things you can do without a screen, as recommended here. Give your family the best holiday gift–REAL time together!
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